
Tambo Bluff Landcare Coastcare



We strive, with assistance from Landcare and Coastcare, to protect and enhance the flora and fauna of Tambo Bluff for the benefit of all.

If you have an interest in the environmental health and amenity of the wetlands, feeder gullies, parklands and coastline at Tambo Bluff on the Gippsland Lakes then join the group and help in the stewardship of the Bluff’s natural assets.

Our guiding principle;

Conservation and restoration of indigenous vegetation will have long term benefits in terms of human health, quality of life and environmental sustainability.


1) Revegetate public land with indigenous trees and shrubs grown from local seed.

2) Provide habitat for native fauna including corridors to neighbouring properties.

3) Eradicate or control feral animals and noxious weeds.

4) Protect existing native flora and fauna and landscape values.

5) Promote the importance of the Tambo Bluff wetlands.

6) Encourage indigenous planting on private land.

Renew Membership

Send to:
Secretary, TBLC
PO Box 154
Metung VIC 3904
Name on cheque/money order:
Tambo Bluff Landcare Coastcare Inc.
Fee p.a.: $20 family/property $10 pensioner/unemployed

Bank Deposit:
BSB: 033203
Account#: 195646
(make sure you provide a reference for your payment so we know who it’s from)

Apply for Membership

Download TBLC Membership Form or use Form below

I agree to support the Aims and Principles of TBLC
p.a. : either post to us, hand deliver or by bank deposit (see above)

New Members are entitled to choose 6 free native plant seedlings from the Landcare Nursery for their garden. Contact Jonathan 5156 2302 to organise your plants.