From the list below choose one of our FAQs topics, then select an FAQ to read. If you have a question which is not in this section, please contact us.
What birds are sighted at Tambo Bluff?
Sightings depend on the season and condition of the wetlands. Updated 26/02/2018
What natives to plant at Tambo Bluff?
The following is a non-exhaustive list of native plants that belong at Tambo Bluff.
TBLC’s submission to Council regarding walking tracks
For anyone interested, here's a link to a copy of the submission TBLC made to the East Gippsland Shire Council providing some vision for proposed walking tracks around Tambo Bluff. […]
Who is the Land Manager of Kings Cove?
Not sure, think it might be a Body Corporate, or Committee of Management structure. Not sure whether East Gippsland Shire Council manage the Bluff coastline adjacent to Kings Cove, should […]
How often, when and where does Tambo Bluff Landcare Coastcare meet?
Usually once a month, usually the first Sunday of each month at 10 a.m., usually at the Metung Bowls Club.
Who manages the public land at Tambo Bluff?
All public land, the coastline and many blocks of land unsuitable for building are managed by East Gippsland Shire Council.
Welcome to TBLC
Take a look around, check out the Gallery or go to Contacts if you would like to drop us a line. If you have an interest in the environmental health […]