Our Beaut New Water Trailer

Our Beaut New Water Trailer

After years of hoping for soaking rain that has consistently avoided Tambo Bluff in recent years and slogging away with buckets and watering cans, we decided to suspend our planting regime for the time-being.

Unexpectedly and with an accompanying sigh of relief we were informed that a long awaited grant for a purpose-built water trailer had come to fruition.

No time was wasted and a sub-committee was formed comprising of Alan, Jonathan and Barry who got to work designing, purchasing the necessary components and putting it all together.

The end product is a well-designed, efficient and much appreciated piece of equipment.

A big thank you to the TBLC Water Trailer sub-committee, MP Darren Chester for his support and the Australian Government Stronger Communities Programme for offering the grant.

p.s. Ace Radio also dibbed-in $250 which is much appreciated.

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