World Wetlands Day is Saturday 2 February 2008
East Gippsland Water and Parks Vic are offering tours of the Bairnsdale Wastewater Treatment Plant and the neighbouring Macleod Morass respectively. East Gippsland Water keen to show how treated wastewater recycled into Macleod Morass is beneficial to the environmental health of the morass. Take the opportunity to judge for yourself; for more information and to book a place, contact East Gippsland Water by 4.30pm on Thursday 31 January on 5150 4434.
The Tambo Bluff Wetlands; Dolphin Lagoon and Bluff Lagoon are wetlands that also deserve to be celebrated as habitait refuges for a wide variety of native species. These wetlands are enjoying a bounteous year despite the floods (or perhaps partly because of) and are providing plenty of food for varieties of Ducks (including a family group of 13 ducklings), Pelicans, Cormorants, Swans, Swamp Harriers, Brown Falcons, grey Goshawks, Herons and Egrets.
Carp that found their way in during the floods are now going belly-up and providing a feed for Sea Eagles and Ravens.
East Gippsland Water have plans to install Sewerage Works including Sewerage Pumping Stations and pipelines immediately adjacent to the Tambo Bluff Wetlands in 2008. Everyone who cares for the Gippsland Lakes wetlands will be keen to keep a watching brief that the works undertaken by EGW are of the same publicly proclaimable benefit to the environmental health of Tambo Bluff's wetlands as those purported for Macleod Morass.