Sunday 9 September 10:30am at Metung Pub. Nominations for Executive and General Committee accepted prior to the AGM. Lunch provided for TBLC Members. See you there. 

TBLC’s submissions to the Panel Hearing regarding C53 have resulted in a successful outcome as far as TBLC is concerned. The Council will accept the Panel’s recommendations which are; Preserve […]

TBLC President, Jonathan Smith has found evidence of nesting Sugar and/or Squirrel Gliders in nesting boxes installed on his property. He unfortunately also found a dead juvenile Glider below a […]


EGW's draft sewerage plan is available for downloading and viewing via this page: click here Also download and read the additional note explaining the sewer outfall and gully crossing in […]

Thank you East Gippsland Landcare Network and East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority. TBLC can now embark on this year's projects, namely; Propagate and plant native understorey shrubs, grasses and vines […]

Bird Observation List & Planting guide for plants that belong at Tambo Bluff now available in FAQ's section of website.